Comic Seven – It Sânde Stripferhaal

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[huh-VAHr, UHn hEEL-uh fuh-OH-uh-ring!] – Behold, a total change!

[UHt nIGH-uh kAWp-suhl MAWt EHf-kuhs VEHn-nuh…] – The new hairstyle will take a bit of time to get used to… (Frisian moat means “must”)

[IHk fEEn UHt VOHL LOHk!] – I like it a lot!

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[ver-rAWM FLAWkhst dIGH UHn frIHs-suhl EEn UHt hEEr?]  – Why are you wearing your hair in a braid? (“Why do you plait a braid in your hair?”) [OH BLIHn-duhr! IHk MAWt FWAWRT!] – Curses! I must go!

 [PAH-kuh?]– Grandfather?

[UHt spEEt mIGH TEE-guh!]– I am very sorry!

Really, Anke’s hair is fine. It’s just shorter now. However, grandfather was imaging the worst.